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Split Offer

FlexHD supports split offer feature.

Split offer is a feature to target Offer Links from affiliates based on country code according to the User's / audience's IP Address when visiting the website. To set using the admin panel or manually by editing the config.php file.

Admin Panel

To manage using the admin panel, you can open the Split Offer tab.

Split Offer Admin


There must be an offer link with country code left blank as default


To set it manually, you can edit the config.php file. Fill it in array format

'show_modal_duration' => '10',
'split_offer' => [
        'code_country' => [],
        'url_offer' => '//',
        'code_country' => [
        'url_offer' => '//',
'show_modal_duration' => '10',
'split_offer' => [
        'code_country' => [],
        'url_offer' => '//',
        'code_country' => [
        'url_offer' => '//',