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Player is the part for playing intro video media. This will appear in the permalink domain/watch/bla-bla-bla-123.

Player admin nanosia

Default Player

For the player, there are 3 options jwplayer, videojs, and plyr, you can choose according to your taste.

Show Offer after duration

Determine the length of time the video is played and the video will pause. Before displaying the registration modal/popup, the button on the modal/popup will be directed to Offer link.

Default fake movie / tv

Fill in the URL of the video file to be played as the intro.

Fake Player

This is an intro video file collection feature, so the intro video played by the user corresponds to the production_companies of the film/tv.

If there is no intro video that matches the name of the film/tv company, then the intro video that plays is the default video


Fill in the name according to the company name and intro video.

Manual Edit

Please edit the config.php file


return [
    'default_player' => 'jwplayer',
    'show_modal_duration' => '10',
    'default_fake_movie' => '',
    'default_fake_tv' => 'https://raw.githubuserc
    'fake_player' => [
            'name' => '20th fox',
            'url' => '',
            'name' => 'columbia',
            'url' => '',

return [
    'default_player' => 'jwplayer',
    'show_modal_duration' => '10',
    'default_fake_movie' => '',
    'default_fake_tv' => 'https://raw.githubuserc
    'fake_player' => [
            'name' => '20th fox',
            'url' => '',
            'name' => 'columbia',
            'url' => '',